Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

A little about Diana

*I have a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education with a minor in music.
*I taught 6th grade for 3 years and I've also taught singing, dancing, and acting at a theater for over 6 years.
*I have been on at least 3 professional vocal recordings.
*I worked in professional theater for a few years before giving it up to become a teacher. Now I dabble in community and semi-professional theater when I get the acting craving.
*I started acting and singing when I was only 13 years old.
*I accidently got started in singing.
*All of my siblings have acted in theater.
*I love doing geneology although it's "an old persons thing".
*I am afraid of heights, rollercoasters, and hate snakes.
*I love dogs but am a little allergic.
*I can get a little competitive when playing games.
*I love to shop the day after Thanksgiving.
*I have been in 46 states - only Maine, Alaska, North Dakota, and South Dakota to go.

Favorite Movie: I’m a romantic at heart and love chic-flicks. Any and all of them!
Favorite TV Show: The Office, historical shows
Favorite Sport: I enjoy watching hockey, football, and now baseball.
Favorite Animal: Moose and bears
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Italian – pasta, pizza, deserts
Favorite Flower: Tulips and Lily’s
Favorite Holiday: Christmas and 4th of July
Dream Vacation: Ireland and Scotland
Hobbies: Singing, Acting, Scrapbooking, quilting, reading, cross-stitching, anything crafty
Favorite day of the week: Sunday – I love my afternoon nap!
Favorite Drink: Rootbeer
Favorite Family Activity: Playing games and barbeques
Favorite Ice Cream: Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia or spumoni
Favorite Memory with Spouse: Driving out from Utah to Chicago, we had some of the best conversations during those 2 days!
Favorite quality about my spouse: He takes care of me so well! He’s a sweetheart.
Favorite Olympic event: Gymnastics
Favorite candy bar: Any that contain sugar
Favorite thing to shop for: Clothes and things for my house
Favorite date with my spouse: After we had moved to Chicago I had to stay behind in Utah to finish teaching school and I would fly out to visit Jason every couple of weeks. One particular trip out to visit he picked me up at the airport and told me to go change my clothes into something dressy. Then he took me out to eat at a romantic restaurant right on the river. Then he surprised me even more with incredible seats to see the musical “Spamalot”. After that we walked around the city by moonlight! It was a wonderful evening with my sweetie!